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LOMS Fence
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LOMS Tennis courts
Students at bicycle.

News and Events

Program Highlights

These are the values the District holds and evaluates all decisions against

LOMS is a School to Watch

Los Osos Middle School was named for the third time as a California School to Watch and a National Forum School to watch.  These are the most prestigious awards that a middle school can achieve.  All awards, in 2018, 2021 and 2023 reflect that Los Osos Middle School ranks high in four core areas.  Academic Achievement, Developmental Responsiveness, Social Equity, and Systems and Processes are all areas that serve our Los Osos and Morro Bay community in highly effective ways that benefit our students.  

What Will We Create Today?

LOMS STEAM Program is designed to give students exposure to hands on, creative and critical thinking courses. These courses align to our high school's CTE pathways.

CTE Pathways Based Electives

All of our electives articulate with the elective pathways are Morro Bay High School.  Students get their first look into coding, video production, 3D design, robotics, art, music, and journalism.  All students have an opportunity to take elective in these areas to prepare for high school.

Continuous Improvement

Staff, students, and parents collaboratively evaluate progress using multiple, reliable measures, and make changes when necessary.

Collaboration and Civil Discourse

The organization works collaboratively and creatively to ensure student success in a supportive environment. Decisions are made with stakeholder input and participation. Collegial dialogue and civil discourse are encouraged. 

Los Osos Middle School In Video

LOMS Promotional Video