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English Language Arts

English 6, 7, 8

Grade Level: 6, 7, 8
Prerequisite: None
Length: Two semesters
Description: English 6, 7, and 8 provide a literacy-based program, which promotes self-confidence in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Skill building through the writing process, a focus on combining paragraphs into essays, and comprehension of literature and various genres of reading material are emphasized. A Career Education objective will be included in these courses.

English 7, 8 Advanced

Grade Level: 7, 8
Prerequisite: Multiple data points will be used to determine placement
Length: Two semesters
Description: This course is designed to meet the needs of seventh grade students with well-developed language and reading skills. The course’s focus on the Common Core strands of Reading Literature, Reading for Information, Writing, Language, and Speaking/Listening will be interwoven with critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity, affording the student the opportunity to engage in a wider range of reading and to develop upper level thinking, reading, and writing skills. The curriculum moves at a faster pace with a more concentrated focus. Extended learning activities will require students to increase their use of critical thinking skills to include analysis, synthesis, and problem solving.

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