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Science 6

Grade Level: 6
Prerequisite: None
Length: Two semesters
Description: This course provides opportunities for students to explore concepts in life, earth, and physical science. Students will be actively engaged in the investigation of topics such as the scientific process, measurement and tools of science, the properties and chemical interactions of matter, the geological history of the Earth, and the dynamic changes that occur to populations and ecosystems. Through these investigations, students will also be focusing on the crosscutting concepts of patterns, cause and effect, scale/proportion/quantity, systems and system models, energy and matter, structure and function, and stability and change.

Science 7

Grade Level: 7
Prerequisite: None
Length: Two semesters
Description: LOMS seventh grade science classes are aligned with the current NGSS curriculum. We focus on learning the processes and tools that scientists use to better understand the workings of our world. We focus on chemistry, geology, natural resources, ecosystems, and human impacts on the environment. 

Science 8

Grade Level: 8
Prerequisite: Science 7
Length: Two semesters
Description: LOMS eighth grade science classes are aligned with the current NGSS curriculum. We focus on science and engineering practices, sound, light, energy and waves, astronomy, Earth through time, energy, forces and collisions, genetics and evolution and human impacts on the environment. 

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